Are You Ready for 2018?

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We are about mid way through the month of November.  Have you started thinking about what your goals are for 2018 yet?  If you haven’t, you should be thinking about it and putting plans in place to finish out 2017 strong so that you can hit the ground running in 2018.

I recently posted a video asking savvy business owners this exact question.  There is about 6 weeks left in 2017, are you prepared to close the year out strong?  My question to you is: when was the last time you took a look at your numbers?  Do you know how much income you brought in last week?  Do you know what your expense are this month?  Do you know if all of your product lines are profitable?

Are You Ready for 2018?

If you answered no to any of these questions, NOW is the time to start thinking about them.  Now is the time to know where you are financially in your business. Now is the time to which product lines are profitable.  I know that numbers are not your thing.  I know that you started your business to do your thing and you are awesome at it, but one of the tasks that go along with running a successful business is keeping track of your numbers.  I know that you don’t like to pay attention to that kind of thing, but here is why you should.

  1. You need to know where your money is coming from.
  2. You need to know am I making a profit on each of my product line.
  3. You need to know if your expenses are inline with the income you are bringing in.
  4. You need to pay yourself.

If any of these above items resonate with you, NOW is the time to start figuring it out.  If you know where you are today, you can plan for your future.

If you have trouble trying to figure out where to begin, I can help. I offer 20 minute FREE consultations to savvy business owners just like you.  I have worked with many of you over the years and I have a no judgment zone.  I have seen it all.  You may have all of your ducks in a row are are ready to prepare for growth, I can help you figure out what systems are best for your business.  On the other hand, you may be a new business owner who is just trying to figure out what you need to keep track of.  Regardless where you are, I am here to serve you and to help you become a better boss in your business.

If you would like to finish 2017 strong and start 2018 with a plan in place, schedule your appointment today.

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