Build Your Dream Team: Aligning Vision with Business Needs

Steps To Build Your Dream Team:

Continuing from my initial story, where I faced challenges in hiring, let’s delve into building your dream team.  The foundational steps preceding bringing anyone on board are assessing your needs and identifying the right role. This is crucial in bridging the gap between your passion and profit, ensuring you get the support you need to grow your business.

Define Your Vision:

Who are you, and what do you want? This is the question you need to ask yourself before you begin building your team. I took the time to discover what I wanted this business to do for me before putting the puzzle pieces together. You have to be in alignment with the mission and vision you have for your business. This is not something someone else can create for you. You can’t hire out this part. You have to do the work of embracing your innate abilities and desires. Remove the fear and figure out what you want—no vision is too big. This becomes your guiding star, the lens through which you see yourself and your business achievements. Know that you are worthy of the fruits that come from this vision.

Define Your Culture:

Now that you know what you want, let’s decide what type of culture your business will have. When you are looking for team members, they want to know that their values align with the company they are working for.

What is culture? It’s the essence of the business. Are you approachable, funny, serious, or cheeky? It’s the personality of the business. What is your essence that shines through when someone becomes aware of you and what you represent? When a potential client or team member first learns about you, what is it that attracts them?

Understanding Your Business Needs:

Before you even think about hiring, it’s essential to understand your business needs thoroughly. The first step is to document your daily activities and track your time to see where it’s spent. I know for me, I had a lot of things in my head. As a solopreneur, you just do the things, but you don’t really pay attention to getting those processes out of your head. If you are going to build a team, you have to document your processes. I don’t know if you are like me, but give me a blank page, and I can’t remember anything. Give me a Google Doc and talk-to-text, and I can write a novel. There are ways to get the information out of your head in a way that is easy for your personality type.

Time tracking helps you identify tasks that only you can do versus those that can be delegated. This will give you a clear picture of the kind of support you need.

Define the Role:

With a clear understanding of your tasks, define the role that will best support your goals. Consider the skills and experience required and align them with your business objectives. This ensures that the person you hire will complement your strengths and help bridge the gap between your current capabilities and your business goals. Remember, you are not looking to hire another you. This is the mistake I made when I hired my second contractor. I thought I needed someone with my skills, but I didn’t. What I learned is that I needed someone with the basic knowledge who I could teach to perform the tasks in a way that aligned with our culture and mission. You don’t need another you.

Next Steps:

Assessing your needs and defining the right role are critical steps. We help clients figure this step out, reach out to me on social with the phrase Vision and we will send you our checklist for defining your vision.  Stay tuned for our next post, we’ll discuss strategies for finding the right candidate.