Say Goodbye to Imposter Syndrome

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Have you ever been working as usual when all of a sudden you get hit with all these negative thoughts? Out of nowhere, you start doubting yourself and your ability to run your own business. Some people call it Imposter Syndrome, I call it a lack of confidence.

When you’re lacking confidence, it gets reflected in your work. You don’t experience the same joy you did when you first decided to start your business. 

The passion that drove you to become an entrepreneur is still a part of you, it’s just been dulled by all of the doubt. Good thing I’ve got some tried and true tips for reigniting that passion and running your business with confidence:

  1. Keep going. I know, I know, this isn’t exactly a brand new idea. I still include it though because sometimes it really is that simple! Practice makes progress. As you make progress with your services and your business, you’ll make progress in your confidence too. 
  2. Look at the results you’ve been getting for your clients. Those results are real-world proof that you are making a positive difference in your clients’ lives. Whenever those negative thoughts start creeping in, they won’t hold up next to the evidence of your impact.
  3. Consider a coach or another source of support. You can be strong and independent and still ask for help. It’s brave to admit that it’s harder to combat your lack of confidence alone. A business coach knows how to deal with imposter syndrome and reframe your mindset so you can bounce back in no time.

Does #3 make you want to start working with a coach? You’re in the right place. My business coaching services are tailored for women who want to work on their mindset and step confidently into the CEO role. Schedule a call with me today!

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