Commitment – Are you in it for the long haul?

Commitment is the ongoing theme for this month.  And being committed to something may look different to different people.  But with everything that has happened (and continues to happen) this year, being committed to your business, to being in business, is something that you need to be clear about. Commitment is your word being congruent with your action.  It becomes that driving force that propels you forward. Without commitment, your intentions are simply “wishful thinking”. 

In my Facebook live back on August 28, 2019, I talked about how business owners could hedge against an economic downturn (I know…who knew in Aug 2019 what March 2020 would bring?!)  For business owners, solopreneurs, consultants, service providers, etc. you have to commit to being a business owner. Truly commit. No willy-nilly I’m a business owner but I’m not taking it too seriously; I haven’t committed 100% yet.

Lady Boss…that’s just NOT going to cut it! And if you haven’t made that commitment, you may just be feeling the effects of that right now. But it’s not too late (it’s never too late) to make that commitment. To commit to your business. To commit to being in business. To commit to becoming an Empowered Lady Boss!  

In this FB Live, I talk about being in it for the long haul. When you make that commitment to your business (and really to yourself), now you’re in it for the long haul.  And that’s where you want to be: committed and in it for the long haul.  Check out both FB Lives for plenty of tips and resources to help you make that commitment, set yourself up for success, and be in it for the long haul!

If you dream of becoming an Empowered Lady Boss who is confident, smart, and an action-taker and you are ready to step into your power and take action on your dream, this ebook is for you! Download this FREE ebook to learn the 5 Reasons Why Your Money Is Not Adding Up and what you need in your business so that it’s a business you actually love and creates the revenue you want!

What do you need to make your vision a reality?

This month we’ve been talking about vision and where you see yourself and your business in the future. We talked about creating your ideal day. What it looks like, what it feels like. Now we need to take the vision and start developing the action steps needed to make it a reality. 

Too often, business owners or entrepreneurs skip over this step. They focus on the pricing strategy or how to get more sales.   But if you don’t have an action plan of what your future looks like and the steps needed to get there, you will end up aiming in the wrong direction.  Or if you do aim in the right direction, you might miss your target.

The first step in your action plan should be determining who you need to be in your business. What do you need to be doing today, right now, to become the person you need to be in the future? You need to be willing to step outside your comfort zone. You need to be willing to seek the advice of others to gain the resources you need.

Let’s face it; you don’t know everything you need to know to run a business – a profitable business. Seeking out the expertise of those who have been where you are and have become experts is important. You may be very good at what you do, at what service you provide, but no one has trained and prepared you for being a business owner.  And not just a business owner, but the CEO of your business. 

So think about what resources you need. Do you need help with marketing and strategy? Do you need assistance with the administrative side of your business? Maybe you need help in getting better at sales. There are a lot of soft skills business owners need to develop in order to produce the extraordinary result you desire.  There are resources available to help you develop and strengthen those skills.

Ask yourself this: In order to get the extraordinary results I want in my business, what do I need?  What actionable steps can I take, what resources can I tap into? Write down your plan and start taking action!

If you’d like help in coming up with your vision, drafting your 5-year vision, and developing the action steps needed to get there, let’s chat!  I’d love to help you realize your vision and create extraordinary results!