Preparing for a Networking Event

Uh oh, you just got invited to a networking event! You can tell it could be a great opportunity to put you and your business out there but the thought of schmoozing with a bunch of strangers makes your stomach turn. 

Though not the most appealing, these events can be powerful! Just look at my business: I’ve built my business from the ground up, solely through my network connections. And I’m not a social butterfly by any means, I just know how to make the most of networking opportunities. After that, I let my work speak for itself. (I give you the tools to get this mindset yourself here).

To be successful at one of these events, keep these things in mind: (1) go in wanting purely to create a relationship or nurture an existing one, regardless of your business, (2) Ask yourself “Who do I want to meet that can get me closer to the position I want to be in?” and “Who’s involved in an organization whose ideal clients are my ideal clients?” (3) focus on quality over quantity first and foremost but always stay open to expanding your network, (4) use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise.

(1) Your end goal may be to make a sale but don’t treat it as your one and only priority. Instead, go in with the intention of making and deepening genuine relationships with people in your line of work or in your area. What networking ultimately is is simple, it’s building relationships. (Find out how to use your self-knowledge to build better relationships here).

People can tell when you’re only talking to them because there’s something you want versus when you’re honestly interested in and listening to what they have to say and getting to know them. No healthy, beneficial relationship begins on such a sour note. 

(2) Consider who your target is. Who is in the right position to help you grow as an entrepreneur? Who is already involved with your ideal client? (Get more questions to get your business in alignment with your vision here).

If there’s an online RSVP where you can see the guest list, you can plot ahead of time who you want to make it a point of talking to. An online event is ideal for this. If not, try and do a once-over right when you get there. Know the network you’re trying to reach so that you already know who to look for.

(3) It’s more about the quality of your relationships than the quantity. 

Quantity is beneficial in the long run but if you rush into trying to meet as many people as possible on a surface level, without taking the time to actually get to know anyone, you won’t have a very useful network.

(4) Now’s your time to shine! The most effective way to get people to turn their attention into action is by establishing yourself as an expert. Make it known how much you know about and are skilled at the service your business provides. Impostor syndrome standing in your way? I’ve got your back.

You want to leave the event having people closely link you with expertise in the service you provide. If enough people have made that connection, they’ll think of you first when they need someone who has your skillset. 

Anyone can network – and have fun with it too! Come in with the right attitude, a game plan, a genuine desire to build relationships, and the ability to market yourself, and you’re golden.